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LUT Held the 2013 New Year Banquet For International Students

        On December 29, 2012, LUT held the new-year banquet for 2013. And international students actively came to the feast, enjoyed a great meal and shared a wonderful time together. President He Hui expressed his greeting of the New Year to all the international students and wished them a happy and meaningful campus life.

        All the international students indicated their splendid studying life here in Liaoning University of Technology. They all hoped to learn more knowledge, touch more culture and meet more friends in the coming year.

        At last, everyone wished a happy new year to each other and hoped 2013 would be an extraordinary year!


Liaoning University of Technology  Address:169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou, Liaoning, P.R. China.
Tel:86-416-4198308/4199704  Postcode:121001