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Prof. Ольга Алексеевнаof Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Russia paid her visit to LUT

        In order to enhance the exchange and cooperation between Liaoning University of Technology and Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Prof. Ольга Алексеевнаof Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Russia paid her visit to LUT for one month.
Since 2013 when our two universities established our cooperation, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University has sent 10 Russian students to LUT to study Chinese Language.
        On April 7th, President He Hui, Prof. Zhang Zhuxiang of Foreign Language College, Prof. Ma Xin of School of International Education had a meeting with Prof. Ольга Алексеевна. During the meeting, both concluded the cooperative efforts through all these years and wished to broaden the scope of the cooperation. After the meeting, Prof. Ольга Алексеевна was led to visit the College of Foreign Language and the library.
        Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University lies in the scenic and beautiful Pyatigorsk city in the southwestern city of Russia, founded in 1939 with professions of literary education, linguistic, news, international relation, advertising, Russian literature, German, Frech, English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese, etc.


Liaoning University of Technology  Address:169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou, Liaoning, P.R. China.
Tel:86-416-4198308/4199704  Postcode:121001