On April 2, 2016, the 2013 Graduation Ceremony for Postgraduates was held in lecture hall of the library in LUT.
President Tong Shaocheng, on behalf of LUT, granted the Master Degree to 331 students, including 6 international student, Mabiala Azere Durtin Daurel from Congo-Brazzaville, Bala Sadiq Joseph, Sanusi Olanrewaju Hazzan, Kanda Paul Shekonya David, Emah Emmanuel Enefiok, Ileka James Nonso, Nsengiyumva Florien, Iroegbu Udochukwu Frank from Nigeria..
On the ceremony, student representative made a statement to express the deep love to LUT on the behalf of all the graduates. LUT also wished them the best luck and future.