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Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy

 Metallurgical Physical Chemistry consists of three research directions:

1. Metallurgical melt control theory and technology: aiming at studying the melt properties, structure and its relationship of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical process, high temperature solution model-building, the melts parameters calculation and other basic theory with engineering control technology.

2. Metallurgical resource and environmental physical chemistry: aiming at studying the clean metallurgy physical chemistry, physical chemistry of rational utilization of sources and second sources, physical chemistry of waste treatment, physical chemistry of sea sources utilization (Manganese nodules) with related environmental physical chemistry theories.

3. Physical chemistry theory and its application during metallurgical process and material preparation: aiming at studying the physical chemistry of metal material metallurgical process, luminescent materials, cell materials, nanometer materials and ultra-fined powder, physical chemistry of non-crystalline material preparation and develop the related application technique.


Liaoning University of Technology  Address:169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou, Liaoning, P.R. China.
Tel:86-416-4198308/4199704  Postcode:121001